our weekly activity agenda at AuburnHub

Welcome everyone! Here’s our weekly activity agenda at AuburnHub. We invite you to join us and take part in our exciting events. For those seeking English conversational practice with native speakers or fluent international speakers, and looking for a safe and friendly community to connect, make friends, and socialize, here is AuburnHub’s agenda for this week: This Thursday, we have…

Do you feel lonely in Melbourne? Do you feel like you’re not making progress in your English and need more practice? Wondering if it’s worth it being in Australia? This is for you.

Since April 14th, we’ve been hosting coffee meetings at our place. These gatherings are open to international students and migrants every Sunday at 3:00 PM. Our events are designed to help you improve your English communication skills, make friends, and become part of a welcoming and safe community. What to Expect Our meetings start with a friendly integration session where…

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