Connecting Cultures: A Heartfelt Sunday at AuburnHub

As every Sunday, in our coffee and English circle gathering, we had the opportunity to welcome new friends from different parts of the world. Initially, we shared a conversation where we discussed our best experience of the week. Then, teacher Andrew gave us an activity where, in small groups, we identified the past tense in sentences and some other details…

Join Us for Super Sunday at Auburn!

We’re thrilled to invite you to our Super Sunday where you’ll experience our English Challenge face-to-face with Professor Andrew and our native/fluent members! Engage in various activities including practicing routines, listening exercises, reading aloud, and learning new vocabulary. Plus, enjoy a special surprise with Happy Meals and a delicious dinner! 🍽️ We’ll be there from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM,…

First chapter of our English circle in July

This week, we had our English Circle🤩. Every Thursday at Swinburne University from 2 to 4 PM👍. Yesterday, Luisa and Jenny were from Colombia, Manizheh was from Iran, Morgan was from Kenya, and Summer and Layton were from China. Everyone learned with Ailsa, Robyn, and Andrew. 🤩🤩🤩 Practicing with native speakers and fluent individuals is crucial for our learning. That’s…

English Action – 21 day challenge

Hey everyone, thinking about the best way to support you in the learning process, we’ve planned a 21-day challenge where we’ll dedicate at least 30 minutes daily to practicing English. I’ll share the challenge details, and tomorrow during our Café session, we’ll provide more information and address any questions or suggestions. While we start on July 1st, you or your…

Welcome to Auburn’s weekly update

Hello everyone! Welcome to Auburn’s weekly update. The last week of June was truly special for us, with memorable events both on Sunday and during our Thursday English circle. We took advantage of the month-end to celebrate Jenny and Osbaldo’s birthdays. Happy birthday to them! We enjoyed delicious banana cake and brownies. Which one is your favorite? At Auburn, we…

Join Our Activities for Learning, Connection, and Fun

Auburn Hub is a vibrant community driven by dedicated volunteers from Auburn Life Church. Our mission is to build a collaborative and united community around Hawthorn, focusing on respect, solidarity, and empowerment. We welcome locals and immigrants to share experiences, grow, and support each other. We organize activities especially to help you learn and practice English, make friends, and make…

our weekly activity agenda at AuburnHub

Welcome everyone! Here’s our weekly activity agenda at AuburnHub. We invite you to join us and take part in our exciting events. For those seeking English conversational practice with native speakers or fluent international speakers, and looking for a safe and friendly community to connect, make friends, and socialize, here is AuburnHub’s agenda for this week: This Thursday, we have…

Join Our English Circle: Connect, Learn, and Grow! 

Embark on an exciting language journey with Auburn’s English Circle, where language learning meets community building. Our English Circle creates an immersive and supportive environment for enhancing English language skills. Embark on an exciting language journey with Auburn’s English Circle, where language learning meets community building. Our English Circle creates an immersive and supportive environment for enhancing English language skills.…

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